
Senior Care Policy Brief: Resident Fees Go Up While Staffing Costs Go Down

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Brief

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

October 15, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Brief: Residents Suffer, Investors Profit

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Brief

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

September 30, 2024.


  • Senators Elizabeth Warren, Richard Blumenthal, Bernie Sanders, and Representative Jan […]

Senior Care Policy Brief: Nursing Home Lawsuits: Putting Profits Over Resident Safety & Dignity

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Brief

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

September 17, 2024.

Putting Profits Over Resident Safety and Dignity

The Brief recently highlighted the […]

Senior Care Policy Briefing: Profit or Peril?

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

September 4, 2024.


  • While many […]

Senior Care Policy Briefing: Razor-Thin Margins or Record Quarters?

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

August 15, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Grand Health Care Settles $21M Fraud Allegations

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

July 31, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Big Chain, Big Profits

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

July 15, 2024.


  • An operator of several unlicensed assisted living homes in Texas, […]

Senior Care Policy Briefing: False Claims and Kickbacks

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

June 28, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Special Issue: A Case Study on Nursing Home Promises vs. Reality

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

June 17, 2024.


Many nursing homes […]

Senior Care Policy Briefing: Lawsuit Against Staffing Mandate Could Perpetuate Chronic Understaffing in Nursing Homes

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

May 31, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Industry Profits & Payouts Belie Claims of Low Margins

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

May 15, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: CMS Finalizes Nursing Home Staffing Rule

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

April 30, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Nationally High Death Rates

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

April 15, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Diverting Public Funds for Personal Profit

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

March 29, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: The Importance of Consistent Staffing

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

March 15, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Neglect Amidst Profit

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

February 29, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Nursing Homes Admit Misdiagnosing Schizophrenia

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

February 15, 2024.


  • Frontline workers, often Black or Hispanic, experienced high mortality rates […]

LTCCC Alert: New York Nursing Homes Profit as Residents Lose

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February 7, 2024 – Too many New York nursing home owners and operators are skimping on staffing and services, profiting at the expense of nursing home residents’ basic dignity and safety[1] as a result of lax monitoring and oversight. […]

Senior Care Policy Briefing: Absence of Federal Standards for Assisted Living

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

February 2, 2024.


  • The United States Senate Special Committee on Aging held a […]

Senior Care Policy Briefing: Abuse, Neglect, and Fraud

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

January 19, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Substantial Hidden Profits

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

December 28, 2023.


  • The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) recommends a

Senior Care Policy Briefing: Transparency Is Not a Substitute for Accountability

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

December 19, 2023.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Negligence Unchecked

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

November 30, 2023.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Alarming Discrimination Trends

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research. In this edition…

  • US Supreme Court affirms right to sue nursing homes for safety violations.
  • NY AG James alleges $37.6 million diversion of public […]

Uninspected and Neglected: What Vacancies at State Agencies Mean for Nursing Home Residents

Program: Uninspected and Neglected: What Vacancies at State Agencies Mean for Nursing Home Residents
Description: Peter Gartrell
(U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging) and Suzanne Messenger (West Virginia State Long-term Care Ombudsman) discuss how staffing issues in inspection agencies put nursing home residents at […]

2023-06-30T09:56:23-04:00, |

Webinar: The Other 51 Weeks: Nursing Home Quality Improvement When Inspectors Have Left the Building

Presenter: Richard Mollot (LTCCC Executive Director)

PowerPoint Slides (PDF) Fact Sheet: Quality & Performance Improvement

LTCCC Testimony: Assembly Public Hearing on Long Term Care Ombudsman Program

At New York’s Assembly Public Hearing on the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program on March 2, 2023, LTCCC Policy Researcher Stefan Foster discusses why New York’s Long Term Care Ombudsman Program (LTCOP) needs more funding to carry out its federally mandated purpose to help protect the lives of New York’s long-term care residents.

Watch testimonies from […]

2023-08-01T13:09:56-04:00LTC In NYS, New York|

LTCCC Testimony: NY Joint Legislative Public Hearing on 2023 Executive Budget Proposal

Roughly 117,000 people reside in nursing homes in New York State. Unfortunately, these vulnerable individuals are far too often subjected to substandard care, abuse, and neglect. At the New York Joint Legislative Public Hearing on 2023 Executive Budget Proposal (February 28, 2023), LTCCC Policy Researcher Stefan Foster talks about the need for greater enforcement, […]

2023-08-01T13:09:49-04:00LTC In NYS, New York|

22 of 2022: LTCCC’s Favorite Nursing Home Reports of the Year

2022 has been a pivotal year in long-term care and we at LTCCC are grateful for all those who have been writing and reporting about the important issues along the way.

That’s why we’re sharing 22 of our favorite articles of 2022 (plus, a few extras!). Below is a list of investigative stories, government reports, and […]

Resources for Surveyors

In June 2022, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published revised guidance for nursing home surveyors available in the links below. Appendix PP provides interpretive guidelines for long-term care facilities. Critical Element Pathways* are used for investigating potential care areas of concern. Surveyors will begin using this guidance to identify noncompliance on October […]

LTCCC Policy Brief: Direct Care Minimum Spending Laws

Until recently, nursing homes have not been required to spend a set minimum percentage of the funds they receive on the care of their residents, nor have the public or policymakers had an effective tool to require accountability for these […]

Federal Contacts for Nursing Home Complaints

State survey agencies (usually the state department of health) have primary responsibility to ensure the safety and dignity of nursing home residents 24 hours a day, every day of the year. However, too often, the state agencies fail to effectively monitor facilities or respond to complaints about care. If your state is not sufficiently responsive […]

Webinar: Broken Promises: An Assessment of Federal Data on Nursing Home Oversight

Presenter: Eric Goldwein, LTCCC

PowerPoint Slides (PDF) Broken Promises: An Assessment of Nursing Home Oversight LTCCC’s Recommendations to improve enforcement

No Harm, No Foul?

LTCCC’s Richard Mollot, Hayley Cronquist, and Eric Goldwein discuss the expectation and reality of nursing home oversight and how lax enforcement exposes residents to substandard care and neglect.

Interview recorded November 12, 2021 and edited for clarity.


LTCCC Alert: Oversight Overlooked in New York Nursing Homes

NY ranks last in citation rates despite widespread substandard care and neglect.

Fundamentally, a state’s oversight of nursing home care boils down to two components: (1) its ability to identify and cite a facility when a failure to meet standards (i.e., a deficiency) exists and (2) its ability to appropriately rate the deficiencies […]

Broken Promises: An Assessment of Nursing Home Oversight

How often are nursing homes cited by enforcement agencies for substandard care? Are “Harm” (G+) citations more common in some states compared to others? In this webinar (Tuesday, Dec. 21 at 1pm ET), we discuss a new LTCCC report that assesses survey and enforcement data at the state, regional, and federal levels.

Register: https://nursinghome411.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZGtaR9QjSjGDINYc0wNiqA.

For more […]

2021-11-22T09:22:33-05:00, |

LTCCC Statement: Time for Quality Assurance, Accountability, & Reform in New York Long-Term Care

As we emerge from the pandemic, New York must address the epidemic of nursing home abuse and neglect.

COVID-19 has caused unprecedented devastation and tragedy in nursing homes. Years of understaffing, poor infection control, and ineffective […]

LTCCC Testimony: NY Senate Hearing on Nursing Home, Assisted Living, & Homecare Workforce

LTCCC Executive Director Richard Mollot testified at a New York Senate Hearing, “Nursing Home, Assisted Living, and Homecare Workforce – Challenges and Solutions,” on July 27, 2021, highlighting key long-term care policy concerns including widespread inadequate staffing, the rise of for-profit industry, and the lack of oversight and accountability. Read the testimony below.


LTCCC Statement on NYS Attorney General’s Report on the Failure to Protect Nursing Home Residents During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Click here to download LTCCC’s statement on the NY OAG report or read the statement below.

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