nursing home news

Senior Care Policy Brief: Resident Fees Go Up While Staffing Costs Go Down

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Brief

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

October 15, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Brief: Residents Suffer, Investors Profit

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Brief

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

September 30, 2024.


  • Senators Elizabeth Warren, Richard Blumenthal, Bernie Sanders, and Representative Jan […]

Senior Care Policy Brief: Nursing Home Lawsuits: Putting Profits Over Resident Safety & Dignity

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Brief

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

September 17, 2024.

Putting Profits Over Resident Safety and Dignity

The Brief recently highlighted the […]

Senior Care Policy Briefing: Profit or Peril?

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

September 4, 2024.


  • While many […]

Senior Care Policy Briefing: Razor-Thin Margins or Record Quarters?

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

August 15, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Grand Health Care Settles $21M Fraud Allegations

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

July 31, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Big Chain, Big Profits

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

July 15, 2024.


  • An operator of several unlicensed assisted living homes in Texas, […]

Senior Care Policy Briefing: False Claims and Kickbacks

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

June 28, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Special Issue: A Case Study on Nursing Home Promises vs. Reality

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

June 17, 2024.


Many nursing homes […]

Senior Care Policy Briefing: Lawsuit Against Staffing Mandate Could Perpetuate Chronic Understaffing in Nursing Homes

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

May 31, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Industry Profits & Payouts Belie Claims of Low Margins

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

May 15, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: CMS Finalizes Nursing Home Staffing Rule

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

April 30, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Nationally High Death Rates

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

April 15, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Diverting Public Funds for Personal Profit

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

March 29, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: The Importance of Consistent Staffing

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

March 15, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Neglect Amidst Profit

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

February 29, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Nursing Homes Admit Misdiagnosing Schizophrenia

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

February 15, 2024.


  • Frontline workers, often Black or Hispanic, experienced high mortality rates […]

Senior Care Policy Briefing: Absence of Federal Standards for Assisted Living

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

February 2, 2024.


  • The United States Senate Special Committee on Aging held a […]

Senior Care Policy Briefing: Abuse, Neglect, and Fraud

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

January 19, 2024.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Substantial Hidden Profits

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

December 28, 2023.


  • The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) recommends a

Senior Care Policy Briefing: Transparency Is Not a Substitute for Accountability

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

December 19, 2023.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Negligence Unchecked

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

November 30, 2023.


Senior Care Policy Briefing: Crying Wolf or Wolves of Wall Street?

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

November 15, 2023. 


  • Nursing home lobbyists claim that facilities are struggling and […]

Senior Care Policy Briefing: Plenty of $$ For Safe Staffing

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

October 31, 2023.


  • Florida nursing home owner Philip Esformes is headed back […]

Senior Care Policy Briefing: About a Dollar a Day

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

October 15, 2023.


  • About a Dollar […]

Senior Care Policy Briefing: D+ for Quality of Care

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

September 30, 2023.


  • Americans give nursing homes a D+ for quality of care, […]

Senior Care Policy Briefing: Wholly Inadequate Proposal

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research.

Read the full Senior Care Policy Briefing below or download here.

September 15, 2023.


  • On September 1, CMS released the long-awaited minimum nursing home […]

New Year, New Newsletter

Happy new year, reader! Thank you for your new or continued support of our mission. This year, we are changing up the quarterly LTC Journal to deliver you more timely information on a monthly basis and to better keep you up to date about what’s happening at NursingHome411! If you haven’t already, be sure […]

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