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Inappropriate Transfer or Discharge of Nursing Home Residents

2025-02-03T11:52:25-05:00Issue Alerts, Transfer and Discharge Citations, Uncategorized|

The inappropriate transfer or discharge of nursing home residents has been a longstanding concern for residents, their families, and policymakers. Far too often, residents are pushed out of their nursing home – which is their home – for inappropriate and illegal reasons. This can have a devastating impact on the resident and their family. [...]

Webinar: Involuntary Nursing Home Discharges: A Fast Track from Nursing Homes to Homeless Shelters

2023-08-01T13:05:42-04:00Learning Center, LTCCC Webinars, New York| PowerPoint Slides (PDF) Watch on Facebook Presenter: Tanya Kessler, senior staff attorney at Mobilization for Justice, Inc (MFJ) and author of "Involuntary Nursing Home Discharges: A Fast Track from Nursing Homes to Homeless Shelters."

Involuntary Nursing Home Discharges: A Fast Track from Nursing Homes to Homeless Shelters

2021-06-30T10:50:06-04:00, |

Register for LTCCC's July 20th webinar, "Involuntary Nursing Home Discharges: A Fast Track from Nursing Homes to Homeless Shelters," featuring Tanya Kessler, a senior staff attorney at Mobilization for Justice (MFJ). Background reading: MFJ's report on involuntary discharges.

US Nursing Home Citations for Transfer and Discharge Deficiencies: February 2018

2023-08-01T12:52:37-04:00Enforcement, Nursing Home Information, Transfer and Discharge Citations|

Unwanted transfers or discharges from a nursing home can be devastating for residents, affecting their physical health and safety, as well as their psychological well-being. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), inappropriate discharges can cause residents to be “uprooted from familiar settings,” thereby impeding relationships with staff, other residents, and [...]

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