Nursing Home Staffing Data

Nursing Home Staffing Data2024-08-22T16:40:18-04:00

Sufficient staffing is one of the most important indicators of a nursing home’s quality and safety. Unfortunately, inadequate nursing home staffing is a widespread and persistent problem. Some nursing homes provide good care, ensuring that their facilities have enough qualified staff. However, in the absence of limits on profits and administrative expenses, too many nursing homes fail to allocate the resources necessary to maintain sufficient staffing.

To help the public find out about nursing home staffing in our communities, LTCCC publishes, on a quarterly basis, information on staffing for every nursing home in the country (that is in compliance with federal staff reporting requirements).

Important Note: In May 2024, the Biden Administration finalized a rule requiring, for the first time, that nursing homes provide minimum numbers of nursing staff time per resident.

  • CLICK HERE to learn more about the new staffing standard.
  • CLICK HERE for tips on how you can provide input to your facility to ensure that it is providing safe and sufficient staffing.


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September 19th, 2023|Learning Center, Nursing Home Information, Staffing|
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