LTCCC Report: Animal Care Standards vs. Nursing Home Resident Experiences
The quality and safety of nursing homes are longstanding public concerns. Numerous studies over the years have identified widespread and significant deficiencies in care, including serious abuse and neglect, and degrading, inhumane conditions.
In light of these concerns, and the widespread persistence of substandard care and abuse, we undertook this analysis to compare the experiences of […]
LTCCC Statement for Congressional Hearing: Caring for Aging Americans
On November 14, 2019, The U.S. House Ways & Means Committee held a hearing, Caring for Aging Americans. LTCCC’s executive director, Richard Mollot, testified at the hearing on the serious challenges facing individuals and families who turn to nursing homes and assisted living for residential care. On the right is Richard’s opening statement to the […]
Alert: Illinois Poorly Performing Nursing Homes (September 2019)
The following alert provides information on the most poorly performing nursing homes in Illinois, as determined by their status as a Special Focus Facility, Special Focus Facility Candidate, or One-Star Facility. The alert includes information on what these statuses indicate in respect to quality and safety for residents.
Alert: Pennsylvania Poorly Performing Nursing Homes (September 2019)
The following alert provides information on the most poorly performing nursing homes in Pennsylvania, as determined by their status as a Special Focus Facility, Special Focus Facility Candidate, or One-Star Facility. The alert includes information on what these statuses indicate in respect to quality and safety for residents.
Alert: Oregon Poorly Performing Nursing Homes (September 2019)
The following alert provides information on the most poorly performing nursing homes in Oregon, as determined by their status as a Special Focus Facility, Special Focus Facility Candidate, or One-Star Facility. The alert includes information on what these statuses indicate in respect to quality and safety for residents.
Alert: Ohio Poorly Performing Nursing Homes (September 2019)
The following alert provides information on the most poorly performing nursing homes in Ohio, as determined by their status as a Special Focus Facility, Special Focus Facility Candidate, or One-Star Facility. The alert includes information on what these statuses indicate in respect to quality and safety for residents.
Alert: New Jersey Poorly Performing Nursing Homes (September 2019)
The following alert provides information on the most poorly performing nursing homes in New Jersey, as determined by their status as a Special Focus Facility, Special Focus Facility Candidate, or One-Star Facility. The alert includes information on what these statuses indicate in respect to quality and safety for residents.
Alert: Massachusetts Poorly Performing Nursing Homes (September 2019)
The following alert provides information on the most poorly performing nursing homes in Massachusetts, as determined by their status as a Special Focus Facility, Special Focus Facility Candidate, or One-Star Facility. The alert includes information on what these statuses indicate in respect to quality and safety for residents.
Alert: Indiana Poorly Performing Nursing Homes (September 2019)
The following alert provides information on the most poorly performing nursing homes in Indiana, as determined by their status as a Special Focus Facility, Special Focus Facility Candidate, or One-Star Facility. The alert includes information on what these statuses indicate in respect to quality and safety for residents.
Alert: Iowa Poorly Performing Nursing Homes (September 2019)
The following alert provides information on the most poorly performing nursing homes in Iowa, as determined by their status as a Special Focus Facility, Special Focus Facility Candidate, or One-Star Facility. The alert includes information on what these statuses indicate in respect to quality and safety for residents.
Joint Comments on Proposed Revision of Federal Nursing Home Requirements
Following is a draft of the comments that LTCCC and the Center for Medicare Advocacy will be submitting in response to the Trump Administration’s proposal to reduce federal standards for nursing homes. We are providing this draft to the public in advance of submission so that others may review before the submission deadline (September 16, […]
NYS Nursing Home Staffing, Ownership, & Quality
Nursing home staffing, quality, and safety continue to be serious concerns for seniors and their families across New York. To help address these issues, LTCCC, with funding from the New York Community Trust, conducted two assessments:
Nursing Home Staffing 2018 Q4
Click on the links below to download easy-to-use files for each state.
Each file includes information on:
- Each facility’s direct care RN, LPN, and CNA staffing levels;
- Staffing levels for important non-nursing staff, including administrators and activities staff; and
- The extent to which the facility relies on contract workers to provide resident care.
To […]
LTCCC Webinar: Focus on Care: Pressure Ulcers & Infection Control
Watch the Program on LTCCC’s YouTube Channel Download PowerPoint Presentation Search for the Latest Data on Pressure Ulcers and Infection Control Deficiencies Fact Sheet on Pressure Ulcers Issue Alert: Infection Control & Prevention
Nursing Home Pressure Ulcer Citations: Spring 2019
Pressure ulcer are a major concern for nursing home residents and families and, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a key indicator of the quality and safety provided in a nursing home. We recommend that the information provided here is used in conjunction with information on […]
Nursing Home Pressure Ulcer Rates: Spring 2019
Pressure ulcers are serious medical conditions and one of the important measures of the quality of clinical care in nursing homes. — U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC).
Click on the following links to download the four quarter average pressure ulcer rates posted on Nursing […]
LTCCC Webinar: Assisted Living Policies & Practices
Watch webinar on YouTube Read the Report Download the Fact Sheets
Resident Rights Handouts
LTCCC’s handouts provide basic, easy-to-understand information on issues that are important to residents and families. They are free to print and use by resident and family councils, LTC ombudsmen, and anyone else interested in improving understanding of basic standards. For more in-depth information on these issues, please check out our fact sheets and the […]
LTCCC Webinar: Nursing Home Care & Quality of Life Standards
Click here to download the program Click here to watch the program on YouTube
Nursing Home Staffing 2018 Q1
Sufficient staffing is one of the most important indicators of a nursing home’s quality and safety. Unfortunately, inadequate nursing home staffing is a widespread and persistent problem. Some nursing homes provide good care, ensuring that their facilities have enough qualified staff. However, in the absence of limits on profits or administrative expenses, too many nursing […]
Case Studies of Assisted Living in New York (2000)
This report, part of a three year study, describes findings from ten on-site visits to assisted living facilities in NYS by project staff. It discusses aging-in place, autonomy, risk-taking, staffing, finances and regulations.