Following are enforcement actions and related information about nursing home quality assurance for nursing homes across the U.S. Citations and penalties are derived from government data which we have formatted to make as accessible and useful as possible to the general public. For New York specific information, please visit our NYS Enforcement Actions Page.
LTCCC Alert: Alarming Rate of Antipsychotic Drugging in US Nursing Homes
Click to download user-friendly data on AP drugging rates for NY nursing homes in Q3 2023. March 18, 2024 – Each week, roughly 250,000 nursing home residents are given dangerous antipsychotic (AP) drugs. [...]
LTCCC Alert: New Year, New Data
The Long Term Care Community Coalition is pleased to announce the publication of four new interactive and user-friendly nursing home datasets: Provider Info, Citations, Penalties, & Staffing. These data, available in our NursingHome411 Data Center, [...]
Resources for Surveyors
In June 2022, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published revised guidance for nursing home surveyors available in the links below. Appendix PP provides interpretive guidelines for long-term care facilities. Critical Element [...]
F-tags (“F” for “federal”) constitute the system through which federal nursing home regulations are identified in the survey process. Generally, each regulatory provision is assigned a corresponding F-tag number and surveyors use these numbers to [...]
Double G Citations
What is a Double G Citation? “Double G” cases refer to a CMS policy intended to identify and address facilities with a historical pattern of high-level noncompliance. Double G citations occur when a facility [...]
Federal Contacts for Nursing Home Complaints
State survey agencies (usually the state department of health) have primary responsibility to ensure the safety and dignity of nursing home residents 24 hours a day, every day of the year. However, too often, [...]