
When Five Stars Aren’t Enough: Elder Justice “No Harm” Newsletter (Volume 7, Issue 1)

In the Elder Justice Newsletter, we highlight citations, including deficiencies related to abuse, neglect, and substandard care, that have been identified as not causing any resident harm. The goal of this brief newsletter is to shed light on the issue of so-called “no harm” deficiencies, which typically result in no fine or penalty to the nursing […]

Shining a Light on One-Star Nursing Home Care: Elder Justice “No Harm” Newsletter (Volume 6, Issue 2)

In the Elder Justice Newsletter, we highlight citations, including deficiencies related to abuse, neglect, and substandard care, that have been identified as not causing any resident harm. The goal of this brief newsletter is to shed light on the issue of so-called “no harm” deficiencies, which typically result in no fine or penalty to the nursing […]

Left waiting and suffering: Elder Justice “No Harm” Newsletter (Volume 6, Issue 1)

In the Elder Justice Newsletter, we highlight citations, including deficiencies related to abuse, neglect, and substandard care, that have been identified as not causing any resident harm. The goal of this brief newsletter is to shed light on the issue of so-called “no harm” deficiencies, which typically result in no fine or penalty to the nursing […]

LTCCC Alert: New Year, New Data

The Long Term Care Community Coalition is pleased to announce the publication of four new interactive and user-friendly nursing home datasets: Provider Info, Citations, Penalties, & Staffing. These data, […]

“Nobody came for over 11 hours”: Elder Justice “No Harm” Newsletter (Volume 5, Issue 3)

In the Elder Justice Newsletter, we highlight citations, including deficiencies related to abuse, neglect, and substandard care, that have been identified as not causing any resident harm. The goal of this brief newsletter is to shed light on the issue of so-called “no harm” deficiencies, which typically result in no fine or penalty to the nursing […]

Webinar: New Proposed Federal Nursing Home Standard: The Good, The Bad, and The Data Essentials

Presenters: Charlene Harrington, Ph.D., RN (Professor Emerita, University of California San Francisco), Richard Mollot (Executive Director, LTCCC), Eric Goldwein (LTCCC)

PowerPoint Slides (PDF) LTCCC Report on Staffing

Webinar: Uninspected and Neglected: What Vacancies at State Agencies Mean for Nursing Home Residents

Presenters: Peter Gartrell (U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging) and Suzanne Messenger (West Virginia State Long-term Care Ombudsman) Powerpoint slides – LTCCC (PDF) PowerPoint Slides – WV Ombuds (PDF) Senate Report: Uninspected & Neglected LTCCC […]

Webinar: The Other 51 Weeks: Nursing Home Quality Improvement When Inspectors Have Left the Building

Presenter: Richard Mollot (LTCCC Executive Director)

PowerPoint Slides (PDF) Fact Sheet: Quality & Performance Improvement

Senior Care Policy Briefing: Assisted Living Facilities Evicting Medicaid Residents

Subscribe to LTCCC’s Senior Care Policy Briefing

The Senior Care Policy Briefing covers important long-term care issues by highlighting policy updates, news reports, and academic research. Topics in this edition include:

  • Assisted living facilities evicting Medicaid residents.
  • Medicaid revenue at an all-time high.
  • OIG report finds significant under-reporting to public […]

2021: Elder Justice “No Harm” Deficiencies

The Elder Justice Newsletter provides examples of health violations in which surveyors (nursing home inspectors) identified neither harm nor immediate jeopardy to resident health, safety, or well-being. Below is a searchable issue guide that includes the “no harm” deficiencies featured in our Elder Justice Newsletter in 2021. You may also access individual issues using the […]

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