LTCCC Reports

LTCCC Alert: Non-Nursing Staff Crucial for Quality Care in Nursing Homes

June 26, 2024 – The public’s attention to nursing home staffing generally focuses on nurse staff, which makes sense because those are the individuals who are providing direct care to residents. However, non-care staff play an essential role in the quality and safety of a nursing home and the services provided to residents. LTCCC […]

The Federal Nursing Home Staffing Standard

Download a PDF of LTCCC’s brief.

On April 22, 2024, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued its final rule mandating minimum nurse staffing in every nursing home that accepts Medicaid and/or Medicare funds. This includes virtually all U.S. nursing homes.

This page provides information and resources for the […]

LTCCC Alert: Dangerous Antipsychotic Drugging Persists Despite Federal Partnership

Contact: Richard Mollot,, 212-385-0356

December 20, 2022 More than one million people live in US nursing homes and each week, one in five of them are given dangerous antipsychotic (AP) drugs. In most cases these drugs are administered without clinical justification. In 2012, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services […]

Framework for Nursing Home Reform Post-Covid

The Long Term Care Community Coalition, along with California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform, Center for Medicare Advocacy, Consumer Voice, Justice in Aging, and Michigan Elder Justice Initiative, developed a framework to address longstanding problems in nursing homes. The framework provides recommendations in six critical areas that need reform: (1) staffing and workforce; (2) regulation […]

LTCCC Report: Regional Variations of Nursing Home Quality & Oversight in NY

The following report presents the findings of LTCCC’s regional analysis of New York State nursing home care.

In addition to the report, we have developed a searchable table with relevant information on all nursing homes in the state, including ratings, ownership type, staffing levels, and fines for substandard care.  Nursing homes can also be searched and […]

Promising Practices & Recommendations for Evaluating Nursing Home Owners

Substandard care, abuse, and neglect are longstanding concerns for nursing home residents. Decades of federal reports have documented widespread and persistent issues in nursing homes nationwide, from inadequate infection control practices to low staffing to inappropriate antipsychotic drug use. However, in recent years, it has become evident that residents are increasingly at risk of experiencing […]

2023-08-01T13:01:03-04:00LTCCC Reports|

LTCCC Report: Animal Care Standards vs. Nursing Home Resident Experiences

The quality and safety of nursing homes are longstanding public concerns. Numerous studies over the years have identified widespread and significant deficiencies in care, including serious abuse and neglect, and degrading, inhumane conditions.

In light of these concerns, and the widespread persistence of substandard care and abuse, we undertook this analysis to compare the experiences of […]

LTCCC Report: Identification of Resident Harm in Nursing Home Citations

This report provides the results of an assessment of the circumstances in which harm is identified when a nursing home is cited for deficient care, abuse or neglect. Numerous studies have identified problems with the ability of state Survey Agencies (SAs) to adequately identify violations of minimum standards.  As a result, too many nursing home […]

Safeguarding Nursing Home Residents & Program Integrity

National Report: Safeguarding NH Residents & Program Integrity: A National Review of State Survey Agency Performance  CLICK HERE

NY State Report: Safeguarding Residents & Program Integrity in New York State Nursing Homes: An Assessment of Government Agency Performance  CLICK HERE

NY State Report: Executive Summary  CLICK HERE

The following interactive charts provide […]

Nursing Home Surveillance in 10 States – A Comparison of Resources & Financing

This study was conducted to gather financial and programmatic information on the nursing home surveillance systems of a select sample of states across the U.S. The study also aimed to gain insights into the challenges facing the state offices responsible for ensuring quality and safety in our nation’s nursing homes and other settings.


Federal Requirements Regarding Dementia Care & Antipsychotic Drugs

This report, released October 2012, presents an overview of the federal regulations that may be relevant when antipsychotic medications are used and the specific data tags, called “F-Tags,” that apply to each of the regulations and that are used by state and federal surveyors to code deficiencies. A summary and citation to the applicable federal […]

Consumer Involvement in Medicaid Nursing Facility Reimbursement

The results of a Commonwealth Fund project detailing the importance of consumer participation in states’ Medicaid nursing facility reimbursement policy making. The products of the project include: a primer for consumers participation, a brief for policy makers on the need to have consumers “at the table,” and a series of webinars for consumers explaining Medicaid […]

Modifying the Case-Mix Medicaid Nursing Home System to Encourage Quality, Access and Efficiency

This study gathered information from the 35 states using a case-mix reimbursement system to reimburse nursing homes for the care of their Medicaid residents (including NYS). The report gives detailed information on how these states are encouraging access, for hard to place residents, quality as well as efficiency. Using such information as well as telephone […]

The Future of Nursing Homes in New York State: Results of Two Roundtable Discussions

With funding from the New York Community Trust, LTCCC hosted two roundtable discussions on the future of nursing homes in NY State.  The roundtables brought together leaders from government, provider, consumer, worker and philanthropy to identify the challenges and develop recommendation for future action.  This report describes the roundtables and presents over 100 recommendations for […]

An Assessment of Pay for Performance for Nursing Homes With Recommendations for Policy Makers

This report provides an overview of pay for performance for stakeholder and policy makers, including special sections on issues and consumer concerns, selected experiences to date and recommendations for ensuring that a pay for performance program truly improves nursing home resident care and is not merely a bonus awarded to “good” providers.


New York’s Single Point of Entry for Long Term Care: A First Year Assessment of Consumer Experience With Recommendations for the Future

This reports examines first year experience with NY Connects, NY State’s single point of entry for long term care, and provides recommendations to ensure that NY Connects truly serves New York’s diverse consumer population as it is further implemented.  The report includes a state-wide survey of New Yorkers’ knowledge of, and experience with, the system.


Nursing Home Oversight in New York State: A Regional Assessment

Vulnerable nursing home residents depend on the state to hold nursing home providers accountable for the care they receive by identifying problems during regular inspections and through investigations of complaints.  This report, supported with a grant from the New York Community Trust, examines the effectiveness of each regional office in ensuring resident safety and quality […]

Using Law and Regulation to Protect Nursing Home Residents When Their Government Fails Them

Despite strong legal requirements for nursing homes to provide good care and dignified conditions for residents, the nursing home crisis continues.  This report, supported with a grant from the Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, identifies the primary legal mandates that are too often disregarded by both nursing homes and government surveillance and provides pragmatic as well […]

National Study on Use of Civil Money Penalties to Protect Nursing Home Residents

Federal Civil Monetary Penalties (CMPs) and State CMPs/fines are imposed by the regulatory agencies that license nursing homes if a nursing home does not comply with regulatory standards. These fines can be used to fund innovative programs to improve the lives of nursing home residents.  This study, supported with a grant from the Commonwealth Fund, […]

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