sam brooks

What You Need to Know—and Do—About the White House’s Nursing Home Reforms

The NursingHome411 Podcast

On February 28, the White House announced important initiatives that can improve the care, quality of life, and dignity for millions of vulnerable nursing home residents, now and in the future. In a special two-part episode of The NursingHome411 Podcast, we talk about what these reforms will mean for nursing home […]

2023-08-01T13:07:51-04:00Learning Center|

‘We Can’t Let Up Now’: Bringing the White House Reforms to the Finish Line

Last month the White House made a major announcement about nursing home reforms, perhaps the biggest news for nursing homes in 35 years. In Part 2 of this two-part episode, Lori Smetanka and Sam Brooks from the National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care chat about their latest campaign supporting the White House reforms […]

NursingHome411 Podcast
NursingHome411 Podcast
'We Can't Let Up Now': Bringing the White House Reforms to the Finish Line
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