Give Nursing Home Residents the Basics They Deserve—Raise the PNA
March 8, 2025 – The Personal Needs Allowance (PNA) in New York has been stuck at $50 per month for over three decades. The dignity of our elders and individuals with disabilities should never be compromised by financial hardship, yet for too many nursing home residents, the current PNA forces impossible choices. Set at an unreasonably low level, this allowance—intended to cover essential personal items like clothing, toiletries, and even a simple phone call to a loved one—has not kept pace with inflation or the rising cost of everyday goods. As a result, residents are left struggling to afford basic comforts that contribute to their well-being and sense of self. New York State must increase the PNA and under federal law has the authority to do so up to $200 per month.
Below, you will find testimonials from nursing home residents who share, in their own words, how an increase in the PNA would profoundly impact their daily lives. Their stories highlight the urgent need for action—please take a moment to read them and stand with those who need your support.
“[increasing the PNA] would lift my spirits so that I would feel more independent instead of asking family so many times thereby giving me a not so “poor” feeling. I also can send cards “to family” especially grandkids and great grandkids – so they can remember me as always thinking of them.”
“Being able to have an increase in my allowance would help me recognize that I can contribute to my family and not be on the receiving end. The cost of living continues to go up every year. It is time that our government recognizes that the [money] made available [should] go up as well. I can’t even send flowers to a family member to honor their birthday. It is just not right. The government needs to wake up and not forget those of us who are in facilities.”
“If I had an increase in my PNA I would do many things to enhance my lifestyle. I would subscribe to newspapers or magazines and buy books. I would attend more community events like the Art Show, Art Exhibits. I also need work on my dentures. I would be able to pay for my own meals when I go out with family or friends. I need money for clothes and other personal needs.”
“If I had more money, I would buy clothes and personal items instead of asking my family for help. I would also buy some shoes, postage stamps and stuff like that but it has been hard.”
“I would be able to have/pay for my own personal phone and pay for landline service ($70/month). I would be able to purchase small gifts for family members and loved ones. I would be able to buy my preferred socks and footwear and clothing labels.”