Each month, the LTCCC Family Empowerment Team hosts a public meeting (held on Zoom and livestreamed on Facebook) to talk about issues impacting families and loved ones of nursing home residents. We encourage family members and advocates from New York and across the US to join and participate by registering on the link above! Below please find recordings of previous programs.

To learn more about family councils, visit https://nursinghome411.org/families or contact us at families@ltccc.org.

This work is carried out with the generous support of the NY State Health Foundation and the Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation.

What to Do When Nursing Home Staff Is Not Responsive to Your Concerns

The Role of the Health Care Proxy

Measuring Success

Why Family Councils Matter

Strength in Numbers

Privacy and Independence

Compassion Fatigue

Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care

Preparing for Cold, COVID, and Flu Season

Open Mic with Family Council Members

Family Council Experiences

Leadership and Structure

How and Why to Start a Family Council

Navigating Ageism as a Family Advocate

Why Long-Term Care Ombudsmen Are the Best Kept Secret

When Residents Speak Up

Privacy Rules in Nursing Homes

Welcome to LTCCC’s Family Council Empowerment Programs