Infection prevention and control programs protect residents from preventable harm, injury, and death. Despite strong regulatory requirements to safeguard residents, infections continue to be a leading cause of death and needless suffering for nursing home residents. According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 380,000 nursing home residents die each year due to health care-associated infections. Preventable reasons for the spread of infection include deficient nursing home practices, such as staff not washing their hands or sterilizing equipment before providing resident care.
Below are links to individual files, for each state, listing all of the nursing homes in the state that have received a citation for failure to “have a program that investigates, controls and keeps infections from spreading.” The data include all citations for the last three years (as of November 2018). They were downloaded from in December 2018.
Each file is searchable by facility name, city, zip code, etc… Please see the “Notes” tab in each state file for more information about the data provided.