Following are files for all nursing home citations published on Nursing Home Compare as of November 20, 2019. Nursing Home Compare provides three years of data. Thus, the files include enforcement information from (approximately) September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2019.
Important notes on the data provided:
- Files are provided for each state as well as a file for the country as a whole.
- Each file includes a tab with all of the citations and a tab with just the citations identified as causing harm to one or more residents. It is important to note that states only identify resident harm about 5% of the time that they cite a facility for a healthcare deficiency. LTCCC and other studies have indicated that states often fail to properly identify resident harm when they cite a facility. This is a serious issue for residents, families, and policymakers since, when harm is not properly identified facilities are rarely held accountable. For more information, see our Elder Justice Newsletters.
- The files are easily searchable and sortable so that one can search for a facility by name or sort by city, survey date, or deficiency F-tag.