Staffing challenges have long plagued the nursing home industry and led to unnecessary pain and suffering for residents and their families. Nursing homes fail to recruit and retain a sufficient workforce because of reasons that are numerous, multidimensional, and interrelated, including: poor pay and benefits, unrealistic workloads, dangerous working conditions, limited advancement opportunities, and lack of respect. For the most part, the industry has failed to address these persistent problems, instead advocating almost exclusively for funding increases with little to no accountability for that funding.

This page contains resources for consumers to better understand the U.S. nursing home staffing crisis, including a white paper for policymakers and stakeholders, LTCCC webinars on the proposed federal rule, research and reports assessing the value of staffing standards, user-friendly and interactive staffing data, and more.

Nursing Home Staffing by the Numbers

  • 4.1: Daily staffing hours (HPRD) needed to ensure residents receive clinical care, according to a landmark 2001 federal study.

  • 3.48: Staffing hours nursing homes will be required to provide under the new federal standard.

  • 3.68: The nationwide average staffing ratio in Q1 2024, indicating that most residents are not receiving sufficient clinical care.

  • 1 in 1,400: Sufficient staffing citations (F725) per resident, showing that understaffing is rarely enforced (LTCCC: Broken Promises)