When families and friends of nursing home residents join together, they can be a powerful force for improving care and ensuring dignity. That’s why we at LTCCC have launched a Family Empowerment program dedicated to empowering families and building family councils.

In our monthly Family Empower Half Hour, we cover essential topics to help family members better advocate for their loved ones. In this recording, you’ll hear our March program where our Family Empowerment Team – Jenine Ferrari and Gloria Murray – is joined by New York State Ombudsman Claudette Royal to answer questions from families and advocates about how to best work with the ombudsman program to get results for residents. Video of this program is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Lgy7jPBIA.

For more programs like this, head to https://nursinghome411.org/families/empower or like us on Facebook at https://facebook.com/ltccc. For family advocacy resources, visit https://nursinghome411.org/families. Send a note to families@ltccc.org to get in touch with our family empowerment team!

Learn more about the NYS LTC Ombudsman Program: https://aging.ny.gov/long-term-care-ombudsman-program.

This is the work of the LTCCC. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Health, nor has the Department verified the accuracy of its content.

NursingHome411 Podcast
NursingHome411 Podcast
Family Empower Half Hour: Working with Ombudsmen to Advocate for Residents