In the Elder Justice Newsletter, we highlight citations, including deficiencies related to abuse, neglect, and substandard care, that have been identified as not causing any resident harm. The goal of this brief newsletter is to shed light on the issue of so-called “no harm” deficiencies, which typically result in no fine or penalty to the nursing home.
This newsletter focuses on the following “no harm” violations:
- Medication mix-up: Medication error leads resident to ER.
- Pressure’s on: Five-star nursing home fails to provide timely and appropriate pressure ulcer care.
- Unplanned weight loss: Nursing home fails to properly monitor resident nutrition.
- ‘There’s just no time for those things’: Residents’ personal care neglected due to understaffing.
- Falling on deaf ears: Resident and family member grievances unresolved.
- Seven falls in three months: Resident care plan requirements go unenforced.
Do YOU think these deficiencies caused “no harm”? Click to download the newsletter or read it in the PDF below.