Many nursing home owners claim that they are operating on razor-thin margins or even in the red. But the reality of nursing home finances is a lot more complicated – perhaps, intentionally. On this episode, Bill Hammond from the Empire Center for Public Policy talks about a new report, “Following the Money,” examining the rise in related party transactions and the prioritization of financial maneuvering over residents. Hammond has been writing about New York State government and politics for more than three decades as a reporter and now Director of Health Policy at The Empire Center.
Interview recorded July 7, 2022 and edited for clarity.
- Read the report: “Following the Money.”
- Follow Bill on Twitter @NYHammond.
- Bill’s recommendations:
- New York Times: On the Job, 24 Hours a Day, 27 Days a Month.
- Overcharged: Why Americans Pay Too Much For Health Care, by David A. Hyman and Charles Silver
Host: Eric Goldwein
Production Assistant: Stefan Foster
Music: Liturgy of the Street by Shane Ivers –
This is the work of the LTCCC. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Health, nor has the Department verified the accuracy of its content.