LTCCC Family Empowerment (August 2023)

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We encourage family members and advocates from New York and across the US to join us and participate in our next Family Empowerment Program on Thursday, August 24 at 12pm (ET). Here’s how…

1) Register for the Zoom meeting at or like us on Facebook to watch on Facebook Live.

1a) Submit a question via Zoom or email it to 

2) Look out for a confirmation email from LTCCC Family Empowerment. This email will include include the login link. Outlook users: If you don’t see the email, please check your “Other” tab.

3) Click the login link Thursday at 12pm ET.

Note: The program will be livestreamed and recorded. We encourage participation but please note that comments and questions will be public. You are also welcome to just watch!

PS. Check out our family council resource page ( for tips on building family councils and for free resources to empower your resident-centered advocacy.

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